Where Has Time Gone?!
Oh my goodness I have been so busy!!!! I can't believe next week is Thanksgiving and that the semester is almost over! I am so excited to fly home and see my family and spend time with them. I fly out this Saturday and stay with them in Spokane until Thursday when we all drive down to St. George (yes we're moving on Thanksgiving). I think it will be a great and fantastic change for my family, but we will definitely miss all of our family and friends in good ol' Spokane :( I have some fun things planned to do with friends and family while I'm in Spokane which include seeing New Moon, playing volleyball, eating a big Thanksgiving dinner, oh and lots of packing ha ha. Well some fun things that I've been up to lately...um ward Thanksgiving dinner and talent show which was amazing!, lots of fantastic competitive volleyball, and or course the dreaded school work :( But it's all good and life is great!
So It's Been Awhile
Let's see....what's new in the life of a poor ol' college student ha ha? Well since my last post quite a few things have happened and I'll do my best to update ya'll on the,
First things first, something really strange (flattering, but strange) has been happening to me since I have been down here. Everyone tells me that I look familiar and they ask if they've seen me before. I would tell them I don't think so...and then it would come to them. Everyone thinks I look like a cross between two different actresses, Mandy Moore and Arielle Kebbel. I'm totally flattered, I just think it's crazy how I never got that back home and then all of a sudden everyone thinks that ha ha.
Anyways, what else...? Oh yeah, I spent about an hour and a half this evening catching up with a good friend from when I was little. He just got back from his mission and is down here at BYU now so we did some catching up and talked for awhile. Speaking of missions, my friend Curtis Lura got his call to San Antonio, Texas spanish speaking and he leaves December 16th I believe. Another missionary to add to the writing list ha ha. He will make12! Oh and last month Nick passed the one year mark...crazy!
Uh, school....it's going pretty good. I absolutely love my Book of Mormon and Economics classes! I-Systems (Excel) is pretty good too, but Accounting and Stats are not exactly fun. I like learning about accounting and that kind of thing, but it's so much information to take in. And I just flat out don't like stats lol. But I think I'll make it, hopefully ;)
My ward is amazing! My bishopric is great and their wives are hilarious. We went over to Brother and Sister Levitt's home for breakfast and General Conference this last weekend and it was so good! Egg/sausage casseroles, cinnamon rolls, fresh fruit, and OJ! Yum. So we were physically and spiritually fed while enjoying good company. Oh man, General Conference was so amazing and I loved every minute of it. I wish I could have gone to Salt Lake for a session, but hopefully I'll be able to for an April session! The message this year really seemed to be love, reaching out to others, and listening to the Spirit. I always enjoy listening to the words of the authorities and hearing what they have to say....another great session.
Not much else going on here, oh wait! Kaylyn is coming to town at the end of the month and I CAN"T WAIT!!!! I miss her like crazy and I can't wait to have her all to myself for 5 days! We're gonna have so much fun Kay :)
Well, I've run out of things to talk about so I guess this is the end....until next time.
First things first, something really strange (flattering, but strange) has been happening to me since I have been down here. Everyone tells me that I look familiar and they ask if they've seen me before. I would tell them I don't think so...and then it would come to them. Everyone thinks I look like a cross between two different actresses, Mandy Moore and Arielle Kebbel. I'm totally flattered, I just think it's crazy how I never got that back home and then all of a sudden everyone thinks that ha ha.
Anyways, what else...? Oh yeah, I spent about an hour and a half this evening catching up with a good friend from when I was little. He just got back from his mission and is down here at BYU now so we did some catching up and talked for awhile. Speaking of missions, my friend Curtis Lura got his call to San Antonio, Texas spanish speaking and he leaves December 16th I believe. Another missionary to add to the writing list ha ha. He will make12! Oh and last month Nick passed the one year mark...crazy!
Uh, school....it's going pretty good. I absolutely love my Book of Mormon and Economics classes! I-Systems (Excel) is pretty good too, but Accounting and Stats are not exactly fun. I like learning about accounting and that kind of thing, but it's so much information to take in. And I just flat out don't like stats lol. But I think I'll make it, hopefully ;)
My ward is amazing! My bishopric is great and their wives are hilarious. We went over to Brother and Sister Levitt's home for breakfast and General Conference this last weekend and it was so good! Egg/sausage casseroles, cinnamon rolls, fresh fruit, and OJ! Yum. So we were physically and spiritually fed while enjoying good company. Oh man, General Conference was so amazing and I loved every minute of it. I wish I could have gone to Salt Lake for a session, but hopefully I'll be able to for an April session! The message this year really seemed to be love, reaching out to others, and listening to the Spirit. I always enjoy listening to the words of the authorities and hearing what they have to say....another great session.
Not much else going on here, oh wait! Kaylyn is coming to town at the end of the month and I CAN"T WAIT!!!! I miss her like crazy and I can't wait to have her all to myself for 5 days! We're gonna have so much fun Kay :)
Well, I've run out of things to talk about so I guess this is the end....until next time.
21 Things
1. Kaylyn was born on September 7, 1988
2. She is an awesome guitar player

3. When Kaylyn was about twelve (I think) she gashed her knee open on a stick while we were on a family walk near the house. The weird thing is that the whole in her pants was no larger than someone's pinky nail. Ten stitches later she was all fixed up...craziness.
4. She is absolutely gorgeous!!!

5. Kaylyn was valedictorian at her high school.
6. She has been playing soccer since age 5! She is amazing!!!

7. Kaylyn has one of the strongest testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ and she is the best role model. I look up to her in every way.
8. She once played the Pirates of the Caribbean anthem with her entire orchestra and it sounded amazing! She was played the violin for about 8 years
9. When she was really young, Kaylyn once pointed at me and asked “Does dis have battwies?”...translation...“Does this have batteries?” I laughed so hard when I watched that home video!
10. Her all time favorite snack is Aunt Nikki’s cheeseball ha ha.
11. Her and my 13 year old sister look identical...especially when Kay was that age!

12. She did gymnastics when she was younger. Our teacher’s name was Marbel and she taught her how to do “I’m a Little Tea Pot.”
13. Kaylyn and I got to go to the Taylor Swift concert in Spokane together on May 14th, 2009

14. She is going to graduate from Whitworth University this December with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business at age 21. I’m proud of you Kay!
15. Her and I have been best friends for 18 ½ years now
16. Kaylyn is right handed but is left foot dominant
17. She is the “Salad Master” of the family...amazing salads of every kind!

18. She got me hooked on Twilight...now we’re both junkies ha ha

19. Kaylyn is the biggest Harry Potter fan that I know...if you ever have a question about it, she’s definitely the one to ask!
20. Her and I would dress up in these Cinderella and Snow White dresses all the time!

21. She is the most amazing big sister someone could ask for and I love her to pieces!
2. She is an awesome guitar player

3. When Kaylyn was about twelve (I think) she gashed her knee open on a stick while we were on a family walk near the house. The weird thing is that the whole in her pants was no larger than someone's pinky nail. Ten stitches later she was all fixed up...craziness.
4. She is absolutely gorgeous!!!

5. Kaylyn was valedictorian at her high school.
6. She has been playing soccer since age 5! She is amazing!!!

7. Kaylyn has one of the strongest testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ and she is the best role model. I look up to her in every way.
8. She once played the Pirates of the Caribbean anthem with her entire orchestra and it sounded amazing! She was played the violin for about 8 years
9. When she was really young, Kaylyn once pointed at me and asked “Does dis have battwies?”...translation...“Does this have batteries?” I laughed so hard when I watched that home video!
10. Her all time favorite snack is Aunt Nikki’s cheeseball ha ha.
11. Her and my 13 year old sister look identical...especially when Kay was that age!

12. She did gymnastics when she was younger. Our teacher’s name was Marbel and she taught her how to do “I’m a Little Tea Pot.”
13. Kaylyn and I got to go to the Taylor Swift concert in Spokane together on May 14th, 2009
14. She is going to graduate from Whitworth University this December with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business at age 21. I’m proud of you Kay!
15. Her and I have been best friends for 18 ½ years now
16. Kaylyn is right handed but is left foot dominant
17. She is the “Salad Master” of the family...amazing salads of every kind!

18. She got me hooked on Twilight...now we’re both junkies ha ha

19. Kaylyn is the biggest Harry Potter fan that I know...if you ever have a question about it, she’s definitely the one to ask!
20. Her and I would dress up in these Cinderella and Snow White dresses all the time!

21. She is the most amazing big sister someone could ask for and I love her to pieces!
HaPpY BiRtHdAy...have a fan-freakin’-tastic one!!! You mean the world to me and I love you with all my heart. I miss you tons!
Well....this week
Ummm...this week was definitely an interesting one. My classes are great and I love all my professors...they're hilarious! My Book of Mormon teacher cracks me up on a daily basis and I love being able to study the scriptures in the middle of my school day. My stats professor is funny too and I can tell that that class will be...interesting. My econ class is well...huge! 700 people!!! Its held in the big auditorium in the Joseph Smith Building. Crazy huh?! Then my accounting class has about 600. "Welcome to BYU" is what I have to keep tellin' myself ha ha. Oh yeah, I also have a night class once a week...its about Microsoft Excel which I actually know quite a bit about so that's good. Now to the important part, social life...lol :) jk mom and dad. But it really is a blast down here! Let's see...this week I did alot. Tuesday night Ryleigh and I met her friend Blake and his roommate (Grayson) at Costa Vita for dinner. Then we went over to there apartment, checked it out, met their other roommates and just chilled. We all wanted to play vball (like actually play with people who knew a bit how to play) so we went over to Ry's complex and played. It was so fun!!! Then we went swimming for quite awhile...played some marco polo. And then it was time for the hot tub :) it felt so good. After that we all went back to Ry's and had hot cocoa. Wednesday I had two classes and then did some studying. That night I played a little vball again and chilled. Thursday night Ry invited me to go to dinner with her and her friends. We went out to Utah Lake to meet with a guy named Kevin's parents. They were camping out there and they made us burgers, corn on the cob, watermelon, and beans. It was so amazing! Then we played a game and visited with his parents for a bit. After that we went to a park near campus and met up with a huge group to play night games. It was crazy, but fun. A guy that was with us was hungry so we got into two cars and drove through the drive-thru at Wendy's to get him a burger before he passed out ha ha. Everyone sat on the grass eating and talking, but Grayson and I sat in his truck talking about school, his plans to go hiking that weekend and whatnot. Ry and the hungry guy named Tony were having a water fight. Ryleigh was a fighter lol. Then the guys took us back to Ry's place. Blake's car was there so he hung out for a bit. We walked over to my house and fixed him some hot cocoa because he wasn't feeling well. Guys have to be out of the apartments by midnight so we sat out in the hall til about 12:45 and planned a random roadtrip to California for the long weekend. We planned on leaving Friday at about 6:00 pm and coming home Monday night. We wanted to go to the LA Temple, go to the beach, Santa Monica Pier, etc. Well the next day we were all packed, school done, getting ready to go and Ry got a text saying we wouldn't be leaving until 10 that night (and then driving the 12 hour drive straight through). At first I was kinda questioning whether or not that would be safe and they told me we had lots of drivers and someone would always stay awake with the driver, so I was like ok maybe. Then I called my dad and ran it by him to get his opinion and thoughts and while I was talking to him I got a very strong feeling that I was not supposed to go. I don't know why I wasn't supposed to go or why I was supposed to be here this weekend, but I trusted that that feeling was the Holy Ghost and I didn't go. It was hard for me because I had helped plan this awesome trip, but it suddenly seemed less important...like something I wasn't meant to do. So instead, this weekend I did quite a few fun things. Friday night my roommate Kayli, a girl that lives next door (Lisa) and myself went out and rented a movie and went to Baskin Robbins yum :) We watched State of Play and had a girls night. Saturday morning I didn't wake up until about 10:00...man did that feel good. Lisa and I went and worked out for about an hour. I came home and showered, ate lunch, relaxed. That afternoon I went to Kelsey's house and studied for a bit while we waited for Danica to get back. Then the three of us went to dinner at Chili's and did some catching up. They dropped me off at campus and I met up with Kayli for the women's vball game against Kansas State. It was so intense and really made me miss playing vball. When we driving home from the game the streets were nuts because of the big football win! I high-fived a random student on the street...only in Provo, Utah would I do that ha ha. Then today...wow today was an interesting day. But it's late and I'm way tired so I'll write about it tomorrow :)
A New Chapter
Wow I'm really terrible at keeping up with this thing, but since I'm away at school now I'll try and do better and keep you all updated! I have officially been down here in Provo for a week today and I'm loving every minute. I miss my family and friends back at home, but it's so great down here and I'm having a blast. The week before I came to Provo, my family and I spent a week in St. George soaking up the sun (113 degree weather!!!), swimming several times a day, and enjoying our last week together for a few months. I wish Kaylyn would have been there too...I miss ya Kay! The rest of my family came down and helped me move in and get settled. I’m living in some condos about 2 blocks from campus and I love my roommate ha ha...that’s always a good thing. Yesterday was my first day in my new ward and I loved it. Cute boys, hilarious Bishop, great lessons, friends...what more could I ask for? Last night was great too...I went with Kayli (my roommate) to her house in Pleasant Grove for Sunday dinner. Her grandma cooked and it was DELICIOUS! We had pot roast, carrots, onions, and potatoes with a salad and asparagus. Then homemade cookies My Aunt Patti was also there (her daughter Breann is married to Kayli’s brother Michael). Then we headed back to the condo and Patti did laundry, my Aunt Steph drove up from Monticello for a few days, and we all hung out for a bit. Then Kayli, Ryleigh, and I went to ward prayer...so fun! After ward prayer, a guy in the ward had everyone over for dessert and to talk and hang out. Then Ry and I invited a few friends over to watch a movie. Good stuff. Today is the first day of school and I’m halfway through. I had Book of Mormon at 10:00 this morning and then I have Stats at 1:00 this afternoon. Tonight is FHE and were eating pizza and playing games out in a big field by where we live. That’s pretty much what I’ve been up to lately and I’ll try really hard to keep you all updated! Love and miss all of you take care!
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About Me

- Lexi
- I love to read, watch movies, play soccer and volleyball, write poetry, and just have fun with my fam and friends!